Valley Auto World BMW

3822 Sycamore Dairy Rd
Fayetteville, NC 28303
Oct 29, 2022
3 Engine Problems You Should Always Get Fixed at a BMW Dealer

Your BMW’s engine is a magnificent piece of engineering. Over time, however, parts can wear or fail and need replacement. If you see signs of engine problems, rest assured that your BMW dealer has you covered. Our technicians can repair any problem. These are a few of the issues we can fix.

Blocked Air Filter

The air filter in your BMW is a small component with a lot of responsibility. Your engine requires enormous amounts of clear air for combustion. The air filter sifts dirt, leaves, and other debris from the air before it enters your engine. In time, the filter will clog up with dirt and needs to be replaced.

Fuel and air are required for combustion, but your engine requires far more air than fuel. If the air filter is blocked, your engine will have a fuel-air mix with too much fuel. The lack of air makes combustion difficult, as the spark plugs can’t easily ignite in a fuel-rich atmosphere. Our technicians can quickly replace the filter if it’s blocked.

Damage Radiator Fan

Your engine requires an advanced cooling system. In the cooling system, engine heat is absorbed by fast-moving coolant and taken to the radiator where it’s cooled. As your car moves faster, airflow through the grille increases and keeps your engine temperature steady. This cooling system can only work when your car is moving. If your engine is idling, a second cooling process is used.

When your engine temperature rises and your car is stationary, a fan at the rear of the radiator will switch on. This fan blows across the back of the radiator tubes and cools the hot liquid inside them. This fan will automatically switch off when your car is moving. If the fan fails, your engine temperature will rise very quickly. We can’t replace the fan as it’s built into the radiator. We can, however, replace the radiator to fix the problem.

Worn Alternator

The alternator is a mini generator that produces electrical power for your car’s systems. It’s powered by the movement of the camshaft, which causes the alternator belt to run across several different pulleys. The movement of the belt causes the pulleys to spin. The alternator is attached to one of these pulleys.

The alternator has a lifespan of approximately eight years. As it ages, the alternator has increased difficulty supplying the electricity to meet your car’s demands. This reduced power supply will cause dim lights, random electrical problems, and eventually a dead battery. We can test the alternator and replace it if necessary.

If you have any problems with your engine, call us right away at Valley Auto World BMW.